I would like to give back to you by providing you with some valuable information.
You have made reference to "viruses" in this podcast. I'd like you to know and understand that viruses have never been proven to exist. This is another scam perpetuated on we the people. Please look into the work of Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr.s Mark and Sam Bailey and others. Once you know this information, you are set free. What people experience as cold/flu symptoms is merely your body detoxing. One can also look into terrain theory vs germ theory. It is a completely different way of seeing the world. And, in my opinion, terrain theory is the winner!
Yes, I am off grid in this polar vortex Butlar county, Al. Living in a summer 2 man tent. I have solar, rain catchment and I did get me a 4 pack of the solar yard lights and they are all the light I need. They last all night on low which is a good cozy light. Other than the $$ to purchase the light is free. On low sun days I just use 1-2 of them and stretch my battery. Highly recommend them. I will be getting more of them.
Hi Marjory,
I'm really enjoying your content.
I would like to give back to you by providing you with some valuable information.
You have made reference to "viruses" in this podcast. I'd like you to know and understand that viruses have never been proven to exist. This is another scam perpetuated on we the people. Please look into the work of Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr.s Mark and Sam Bailey and others. Once you know this information, you are set free. What people experience as cold/flu symptoms is merely your body detoxing. One can also look into terrain theory vs germ theory. It is a completely different way of seeing the world. And, in my opinion, terrain theory is the winner!
Thank you for all that you do!❤️
Water: I use rain water.
1) filter through a cloth/tea-shirt.
2)1-3 drops activated MMS1 (Chlorine Dioxide) for 1 hr per gallon. Extremely cheap, make at home.
3) pour through a Zero water filter.
My tap water .04-600
My raw rain water .004
After Zero water filter .000 for more than 6 months Practically distilled.
I did the heated half cement paver wrapped in a large towel. Placed in the foot of my sleeping bag. WORM FEET!!!!!
Yes, I am off grid in this polar vortex Butlar county, Al. Living in a summer 2 man tent. I have solar, rain catchment and I did get me a 4 pack of the solar yard lights and they are all the light I need. They last all night on low which is a good cozy light. Other than the $$ to purchase the light is free. On low sun days I just use 1-2 of them and stretch my battery. Highly recommend them. I will be getting more of them.