
Prepping for Extreme Cold and No Grid with Dangerous Info Podcast

Meet Jessi Jaymes and Outcast as we discuss 'way out of the box' strategies for surviving extreme cold when the grid goes down

I’m posting up one of many podcasts I’ve done with the Dangerous Off Grid Podcast. Jessi and Outcast host a weekly show covering the news and events that you won’t get from the legacy media.

They live up there north somewhere near Santa Clause. Both are seasoned hunters, outdoors-men, and prepper’s that know a thing or two about cold weather.

Go to https://DanderousInfoPodcast.com to get the dozen or so in-depth prepper shows I’ve done with them in addition to all the other topics they present

PS: Outcasts’ cat, Bruce, makes an appearance and I’m starting to have a crush on him. The gigantic fluff ball!