To order your blood tests and supplements and join the study, here is the link:
I have verified that PFAS (forever chemicals) can be removed from soils. A similar protocol is available for humans. I am organizing a small, private research group to verify the effectiveness of removal of PFAS (forever chemicals) from the human body.
This special group will also get access to Dr. Wil Spencer, the naturopath who has developed this protocol.
Note that all the supplements are sourced from pristine areas and are extremely clean. They are simple, natural, and you have probably already taken some for of these beofre. It is a group of three: a fulvic/humic acid, probiotics, and a bentonite clay. Where these are sourced from and the proportions have been developed by Dr. Wil over many years.
I only have supplies for 30 people. Ihope you can join me in this very important work.
Our medicines are much stronger than thier toxins.
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