
2025 03 09 Off-grid with Marjory Wildcraft: Hyper inflation

how close are we, the signs, who wins, who loses, what you can do

In this riff I go over several signs I am seeing that indicate we are getting very close of hyper inflation. It will be most noticable in the price of food. When it happens, it comes on really quickly… and who knows how much faster it could be with all the digital connectedness we have today.

It is difficult even for me to imagine how drastically things will change. Recognizing it early, overcoming “normalicy bias”, and acting decisively, will be very important for you.

I have some suggestions and advice for navigating life when we undergo these changes. Hopefully you are jumping on these actions now, before it all unfolds.

Here are the links I mentioned in the podcast:

Learn to grow food at this free webinar https://BackyardFoodProduction.com

Pick up some silver from Trace Jackson at Advantage Gold here (tell him Marjory Wildcraft sent you and get a better price): https://www.advantagegold.com/ Austin, TX Tel: (800) 341-8584

Bitcoin Basics for Boomers and Beginners. I really learned a ton from this series.
